Thursday, January 05, 2006

Esperanza Rising: Las Ciruelas (pgs. 139 - 157)

Required Prediction: Will Mama survive the disease? Defend your answer.

Choose at least one question to respond in detail to:

Question #1: What goes wrong on Esperanza's first day in charge of the babies? Why does she react as she does to these domestic disasters?

Question #2: What conditions forewarn the workers of the dust storm? Why does Esperanza not understand what is coming?

Question #3: What is the goal of those workers who want to strike and those who do not wish to strike? Which side would you be on? Why?

Question #4: What is Valley Fever? (Be specific, what causes it, etc...)

As always, extra credit is given for students who go above and beyond the expectations by making text connections, insights, etc... to the story.

Due Date: Friday, January 13.
Posted 1/5/06


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